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Google search volume for "characins"

Website results for "characins"

 3 websites found

#150,906 (+11%) -
Title: Welcome to Badman's Tropical Fish
Description: A freshwater aquarium page covering all aspects of the tropical fish hobby. It has sections on basics, diseases, fish statistics, tropical fish profiles, fishkeeping forum and an aquatic glossary to explain all the terms.
Title: Characins
Description: Nematobrycon Palmeri (Emperor Tetra)Notes : Nematobrycon Palmeri also known as Nematobrycon Amphiloxus is one of the most colorful Tetras. Very popular among aquarists, this fish has a purple upper part...
#1,279,673 (+14%) -
Title: Fish, Tanks and Ponds Home Page
Description: Fish, Tanks and Ponds, a comprehensive guide to keeping fish.