Title: Commercial Real Estate Professionals & Investors Group
Description: A place where commercial real estate investors can network with other investors and professionals to find resources and promote themselves.
Title: CREDAA - Commercial Real Estate Distressed Assets Association
Description: Solutions for the disposition, acquisition, valuation, & financing of CRE Distressed, Toxic, Troubled Unstable Assets & Non Performing Notes
Title: Structured Credit Investor: SCI provides structured finance news on CDS, CDO, CLO, RMBS, CMBS, ABS and ILS instruments
Description: SCI is a specialist publisher of news and analysis on all aspects of the structured credit and Asset backed securities (ABS) markets. We publish daily news items and the acclaimed weekly news edition published on Wednesdays featuring in-depth analysis.Ou
Description: Commercial Real Estate Direct is a news and information service covering the commercial real estate capital markets including: cmbs, reits, commercial mortgage refinance oportunities, distressed assets, property sales database.
Description: CommercialPost delivers the latest breaking news and information in the commercial real estate industry. One Source for all of the CRE news. For in-depth coverage investment, leasing, sales, industrial, retail, multifamily, office and hotel news.
Description: J.E. Robert Companies, a fully-integrated global real estate investment management company with JER Partners, an established private equity investment manager.
Title: Crittenden:: Real Estate, Financing, Development and Insurance Newsletters
Description: Crittenden Newsletters, commercial real estate, residential development, insurance. Real estate industry news, profiles, and articles for agents and brokers.
Description: Mason-McDuffie Financial Corporation is INTERVEST-Mortgage Investment Company's affiliate in Northern California. We are a full service commercial mortgage banking firm offering interim and permanent financing through our established relationships with l
Title: A Leader of Innovative Healthcare Management CMBS, Inc.
Description: California Medical Business Services, Inc. (CMBS), providing services since 1977, is a full service medical practice management firm. Billing and collections for hospital based groups represents our core business.