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Google search volume for "felts"

Website results for "felts"

 12 websites found

#425,829 (-20%) -
Title: Antique kilims, tribal bags & other flatweaves - Anatolian, Caucasian, Central Asian & Persian
Description: New York based textile dealer specializing in Persian, Turkish (Anatolian), Caucasian & Central Asian antique kilims, tribal bags, rugs and other flatweaves
#3,209,182 (-11%) -
Title: Piano, repair, parts, tuning, supplies, hammer, casters-- Do it Yourself-- Parts Catalog are here.
Description: PIANO CARE AND REPAIR- Repair, restore, and tune your piano yourself. Order piano parts and tools from our catalogue / catalog. Save hundreds of dollars. The only book of its kind anywhere. Classified- Buy and sell musical instruments.

Not available.
#1,273,692 (+25%) -
Title: The Felt People -Felt, Fabric and Fixtures
Description: The FELT People, offers all varieties of quality Felt for crafts, manufacturing, displays, clothing, theatrical.
#1,684,478 (+10%) -
Title: Dress fabric, Cotton fabric, Fleece fabric, Sewing fabric, Quilting, Lining, Gingham , Cheap
Description: The Remnant House based in Harrogate, UK, offers quality fabrics and haberdashery including fabric for dresses, curtains, crafts, covers etc. - all your home sewing needs.
Title: Kasbar National Industries, Inc., Textile manufacturer of polyester fiberfill battings, needlepunch nonwovens, felts, quilted f
Description: Kasbar National Industries, manufacturer of custom quilting, needlepunch felt and bonded fiberfill.
#17,667,816 (0%) -
Title: Commercial Roofing Services-Badger Roofing Company
Description: Not available
Keywords:commerical roofing, commercial roofing contractor, commercial roofing services, New Jersey roof, NJ roof, Badger Roofing, Badger Roofing contractor, North Jersey Commercial Roofing Contractor, South Jersey Commercial Roofing Contractor, New Jersey Commercial Roofing Contractor, NJ commercial roofing contractor, institutional roofs, New Jersey Institutional roofs, commercial roof maintenance, professional commercial roofers, new jersey professional roofers, NJ commercial roofer, NJ commercial roof contractor, roofing, roof, commercial, leaky roof, roofing manufacturer, roof products, roofers,
... (View More)
#0 (0%) -
Title: Permawick Company » Front Page
Description: Permawick Company is a designer and manufacturer of reservoir products. Our Wicks and gels store a liquid until it is needed by the application and then release it in a predetermined controlled rate. Typical fluids that use our reservoir materials are oi
#9,534,088 (+102%) -
Title: Die Maker Tool | Polishing Stone | Swiss Files | Diamond Compound | Riffler | Ruby Stone
Description: fine tools including die maker tools, polishing stones, swiss files, diamond compoud, rifllers and ruby stones for mold makers, die makers, engravers, die sinkers, tool rooms and production plants