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Google search volume for "grantmaking"

Website results for "grantmaking"

 38 websites found

#118,131 (+64%) -
Title: New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA)
Description: A national resource for awards, services, and information for artists and arts organizations.
Keywords:art, arts, artist, artists, arts organization, arts organizations, non profit, art service organization, foundation, NYFA, New York State Council on the Arts, New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, NYC, New York City, New York State, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Manhattan, The Bronx, Westchester, donor, philanthropy, grant, grants,
... (View More)
#307,807 (-2%) -
Title: Homepage -
Description: strengthens Australia's community groups, education institutions and non-profit organisations by providing grants and funding advice, training, a free online donations service and practical information on fundraising, governance, fina
Keywords:grant, community groups, grantmaker, grant maker, grant seeker, grantseeker, grantmakers network, philanthropy, philanthropic, grant giving, foundation, community foundation, corporate foundation, family trusts, PPF, PPFs, Australian Best Practice Grantmaking Quarterly, government grants, grantmakers network, grant makers network, board, boards, governance, not-for-profit governance, non-profit governance,
... (View More)
#1,360,501 (-9%) -
Title: Philanthropy Australia � Promoting Giving
Description: Philanthropy Australia is the Australian national peak body for philanthropy and is a not-for-profit membership organisation. Our members are trusts and foundations, families and individuals who want to make a difference through their own philanthropy an
#1,132,397 (+2%) -
Title: Welcome to FSD | Foundation for Sustainable Development
Description: FSD is a leading grassroots international development organization with programs that advance child & maternal health, environmental sustainability, safe water, sanitation & food security, women’s equity, microfinance, and the reduction of HIV/AIDS.
#3,674,178 (-39%) -
Title: Welcome |
Description: is a searchable website of all charitable trusts in the UK providing grants to voluntary sector groups. The site contains information on over 4,200 trusts providing £3 billion to voluntary sector groups each year.
#939,257 (-10%) -
Title: The Global Fund For Children - Home
Description: The Global Fund for Children provides capital to strengthen innovative community-based organization serving the most vulnerable children and youth. GFC harnesses the power of children’s books,films,and photography to promote global understanding.
#5,799,147 (-28%) -
Title: El Pomar | A Foundation for Colorado
Description: Not available
#1,640,421 (-45%) -
Title: The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Description: The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation is a private, grantmaking foundation based in Flint, Michigan.
#1,006,456 (+60%) -
Title: Philanthropy, Grants and Fundraising | Robert R. McCormick Foundation
Description: The Robert R. McCormick Foundation helps develop engaged citizen leaders and makes life in communities better through philanthropic programs and grants.