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Google search volume for "navteq"

Website results for "navteq"

 18 websites found

#5,759 (-23%) -
Title: NAVTEQ Map24 – Route planner and maps for UK, Europe and USA
Description: Online maps of the UK, Europe and North America. Free, interactive, dynamic, and detailed. Search for addresses and plan your itinerary with Map24. Calculate your route; look for hotels, restaurants, tourist attractions, or other points of interest. Inte
#180,996 (-4%) -
Title: Windows Phone Italy | Il portale italiano su Windows Phone e Windows Mobile
Description: Notizie, speciali, informazioni, interviste, consigli e trucchi, guide e recensioni sul mondo Microsoft Windows Phone 7, Windows Phone, Windows Mobile, Pocket PC e smartphone, Windows CE, UMPC, netbook, notebook, Tablet PC e laptop
#149,633 (-1%) -
Title: NaviGadget -- GPS Navigation Systems, GPS Tracking Devices, GPS Phones, Receivers, Reviews, and Hacks
Description: GPS Navigation Systems, GPS Tracking Devices, GPS Phones, Receivers, Reviews, and Hacks
#306,566 (+19%) -
Title: Landkarten und Stadtplan Index (mit Routenplaner und Luftbildern) - Die Landkarten Suchmaschine
Description: Hier finden Sie alle uns bekannten Landkarten, Stadtpläne, Routenplaner, Mashups, Luftbilder, topographische Landkarten, historische Landkarten, Cliparts und Satellitenbilder von der ganzen Welt und von allen Themen. Außerdem ein Geoquiz, Navigationssy
#529,980 (-23%) -
Title: Navegadores GPS | manuales y noticias | Actualidad GPS
Description: Información sobre navegadores GPS, mapas para GPS y radares. Los principales móviles con GPS, PDA, smartphones y receptores GPS. Te ayudamos con tu GPS. Compra tu navegador GPS de las principales marcas al precio más barato.

Not available.
#770,677 (+17%) -
Title: myPOIs - Points of interest around Ireland for Smartphones and Satellite Navigation devices such as Garmin or TomTom
Description: Welcome to Here you can get 1,000s of extra Points of Interest (POIs) for Satellite Navigation systems. We have a vibrant community where you can share, comment on and download POIs. Many free downloads - search for