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Title: Comtech Mobile Datacom Corporation - Your Mobile Communications Experts
Description: The leading worldwide provider of secure, satellite-enhanced on-the-move (OTM) tracking, messaging solutions, and network services to Military, Government, and Commercial customers
Keywords:Satellite enhanced communications, Satellite-based system, satellite-based tracking system, Mobile communications, Mobile Communications Solutions provider, Mobile Communications & Command Platforms, Situational Awareness and Management Applicatio, Mobile data communications solutions, Mobile data communication solution, Mobile data communications solution, Two-way satellite-based location, tracking and messaging technologies, Open Source communications, Advanced Software Defined Radio ASDR technolo, ASDR technology, spread-spectrum code division multiple access, signal’s low probability of interception/low, Flexible communications, Scalable communications, hybrid terrestrial/satellite services, Government Oriented communication Solutions, Commercial Oriented communication Solutions, L-Band satellite connectivity, L-Band connectivity, L-Band communication solutions,
... (View More)
L-Band, L-Band satellite system, Packet data communications, Fleet tracking, Fleet communication, OTR communications, Over-the-Road communications, IRRIS, Integrated Rail and Road Information System, FCC compliant, FCC compliance, FIPS certified, FIPS 140-2, FIPS 140-2 validated, FIPS 140-2 validation certification, FIPS certification, Blue Force Tracking-High Capacity, BFT-HC, FBCB2/BFT, Blue Force Tracking, Force Tracking Solutions, Force Tracking, Coalition tracking, Battlefield-Proven Force Tracking Solutions, cost-effective force tracking solutions, Army logistics system, Movement Tracking System, MTS, Prime contractor, Prime contractor Movement Tracking System MTS, Asset Tracking, Asset Management, asset management tool, Asset Visibility, TAV, Total Asset Visibility, In transit visibility, Wireless communication solutions, Mobile communication solutions, Defense communications, Telematics, Over-the-Horizon, OTH, OTH communications, On-the-Move, OTM, OTM communications, Command and Control solution, Secure communications, satellite-enhanced, on-the-move asset tracking, mobile data communication solutions, low probability of interception/low probability, high capacity waveforms, proprietary waveform, low latency network, network service, Network Services, network experience, homeland defense communications, Interoperable communications, battlefield-proven solutions, Enterprise location management system, NATO Force Tracking System, IFTS, geoOps, Software-based solution, COTS, Legacy system, RFID, GPS, Global positioning system, mapping with GPS, end-to-end system security, near real-time(View Less)