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Title: Veritas Radio Show with Mel Fabregas | Alternative Media for Discerning Minds
Description: The Veritas Show with Mel Fabregas is a weekly show exploring UFO and paranornmal phenomenona, conspiracies and current world events. Because you don't want to believe. You want to know.
Keywords:UFOs, UFO, ufo talk show, Area 51, 2012, 12/21/12, december 21, 2012, 21 december 2012, Roswell, conspiracies, conspiracy theories, exopolitics, remote viewing, astral projection, psychich, psychic phenomenon, men in black, MIB, hidden archeology, new world order, NWO, DUMBs, deep underground military bases, project blue book,
... (View More)
ET, extraterrestrials, disclosure, flying saucers, OVNI, OVNIs, USOs, The Veritas Show with Mel Fabregas, Paranormal and UFO Talk Radio, ufo talk shows, paranormal talk shows, ufo talk show, paranormal talk radio, paranormal, spirituality talk show, UFO Sightings, ufo and paranormal news and information, ufo news, ufo reporting center, parnormal and occult radio, spiritualism and mystic, ancient races, giants, giant races, mystery schools, occult teachings, ancient wisdom, planet x, planet-x, nibiru, mars, leumurian studies, atlantis, national ufo, aliens, roswell, area 51, dulce, ghosts, mary magdalene, ufo and paranormal chatrooms, sedona, sumerian artifacts, sumer, alien, evp, abduction, research, ufology, ufologists, pictures, unidentified flying objects, ufo wisconsin, mutual network ufo, ufology, ufo eduction, groups, paranormal, ufo videos, giants, alien races, ufo crashes and recoveries, metaphysics, free links, photo gallery, mel fabregas, time travel, nasa, roswell, ufo and paranormal talk shows, internet radio, on-demand radio, ufo and paranormal groups, ancientmysteries, ancient mysteries, ovnis(View Less)