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Title: Scarlett Amaris Montsegur Tour Guide
Description: Writer, journalist, and researcher, Scarlett Amaris has been living in Montsegur for the last few years, hunting down and documenting the various mysteries in the area. Through the study of local oral traditions and translating various old dossiers, she
Keywords:Montsegur, Esclarmonde, Tour, Tours, Tour Guide, Guide, Grail, Languedoc, castles, castle, ariege, trails, trail, Pyrennes, Cathars, Cathar, Albigensian Crusade, crusades, crusade, sacred spaces, sacred, esoteric, arcane, France, holy grail,
... (View More)
medieval, folklore, fantasy, walking, walk, walks, grail castle, Parzival, white lady, fairies, fairy, guide books, guide book, book, books, off the beaten path, hidden places, secrets, mysteries, mystery, history, legacy, medieval history, 13th century, troubadour, knight, chivalry, Inquistion, pyre, torture, mass burnings, massacre, siege, solstice, trebuchet, mangonel, ballista fire, photos, photographs, gallery, pics, poetry, invisible world, lords, ladies, spirits, ghost, ghosts, phantom, haunting, haunted, pre-history, standing stones, menhirs, anciet, ancient carvings, anciet symbols, esoteric symbols, hidden symbols, symbols, carvings, church, churches, anciet churches, gothic, secret socities, hidden knowledge, treasure, treasure of the Cathars, Book of Love, anciet socities, quest, bloodline, goddess, light of the world, belisenna, oppidum(View Less)