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Google search volume for "unicode"

Website results for "unicode"

 135 websites found

#171,942 (-4%) -
Title: Ascender Fonts - High Quality Fonts For Download - Buy Fonts
Description: has the finest, high quality fonts available for instant download. Brought to you by the font experts at Ascender Corp, you will find a great selection of TrueType fonts and OpenType fonts for Mac OS X and Windows from licensed type des
#28,200 (-10%) -
Title: ASCII Codes - Table of ascii characters and symbols
Description: ASCII Codes - Table for easy reference of ascii characters and symbols, with conversion tables and HTML codes
#25,042 (+39%) -
Title: FileFormat.Info The Digital Rosetta Stone
Description: FileFormat.Info is the source for file format standards, online file conversions, and detailed file specifications, including Unicode characters, MIME types and file extensions
#40,327 (+7%) -
Title: phpspot - PHPスクリプト/MySQL/掲示板/入門/サンプル/正規表現/レンタルサーバー
Description: フリーのwindows用php開発環境であるPHPエディタ(forWin)、PHPスクリプト、PHPツールバー、テレ ビバーなどの配布。その他、PHP入門者向けのコンテンツなども。
#39,948 (+26%) -
Title: Ascii Table - ASCII character codes and html, octal, hex and decimal chart conversion
Description: Ascii character table - What is ascii - Complete tables including hex, octal, html, decimal conversions
#40,746 (+3%) -
Title: Unicode Consortium
Description: The Unicode Consortium and The Unicode Standard
#85,939 (-10%) -
Title: Alan Wood’s Web site
Description: Alan Wood’s home page, with links to pages on pesticide common names, Unicode, HTML 4 entities, Symbol font, character sets, and Olympus close-up photography equipment.
#111,415 (+1%) -
Title: Gallery of Unicode Fonts
Description: Comprehensive information on available Unicode fonts including samples and test pages

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