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Google search volume for ".xls"

Website results for ".xls"

 4 websites found

#325,542 (+1%) -
Title: Alacra, Inc. - Business and Financial Information Aggregator
Description: Alacra creates online technology and services to help clients find, package and present business information. Alacra provides a single point of access to nearly 200 commercial business information databases. More than 750 financial institutions, manageme
#575,770 (-12%) -
Title: Free document viewers for Office files: .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .odt, and more
Description: Free document viewers for all common word processing and spreadsheet file formats: .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, OpenDocument and many more!
#1,615,664 (+17%) -
Title: eXpresso - Online Document Collaboration for Business with Microsoft Office or IBM Lotus Symphony
Description: eXpresso is the best way to create, edit, and share Office documents online with the people you know. eXpresso enables multiple contacts to work on the same spreadsheet, document, or presentation at the same time, saving all changes to a common version i