#26,023,701 (
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Title: Limb Lengthening
Description: Internal method for the Correction of Deformities or Discrepancies
Keywords:Limb lengthening, Limbs lengthening, Legs lengthening, Limbs elongation, Short stature, lower extremity deformities, Correction, Elongation, Lengthening, limbs lengthening, Limb Length Discrepancy, Correction of deformities, Limb correction, Bone defects, Deformity correction service, Bliskunov, Dragan, Ilizarov, Limb Reconstruction, Dwarfism, Leg length discrepancy, Bone lengthening, Limb discrepancies, Bonamed, Shortering,
... (View More)
Shortening, Angular deformities, Curves, Curves of legs, femoral lengthening, Correction of the flexon deformity, knock-knee, Short stature treatment by lower limb lengtheni, Bow-legged, Bandy-legged, Crooked, Bent, Angular deformity correction, Bowing, Shorten, Shorting, Treatment of Limb Length Inequality by Lengthen, Bowlegs correction, Correction of the flex deformity, Bowlegs, lower extremity deformities Elongation, Bowlegs Limb lengthening, Shortering. Shortening(View Less)