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Title: Department of Biosciences, Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat
Description: Department of Biosciences was established under the developmental grants of UGC during the IV Five-year plan in the year 1977.Academic programmes leading to M.Sc., M.Phil. and Ph.D Degrees comprise of three major disciplines of Biological Sciences Viz. A
Keywords:Pankaj Kantilal Gadhia, Pankaj K. Gadhia, P.K. Gadhia, Gadhia P.K. biosciences vnsgu, Biosciences, Bioscience Surat VNSGU SCIENCE, Department of Biosciences, Biosciencesvnsgu, vnsgusciences, Sciencesvnsgu, Bioscience, VNSGU, BIOSCI, BIOSCIENCE, VNSGU bioscience Veer Narmad South Gujarat Univ, BVBRC, Bapalal Vaidya Botanical Research Centre, Chintan Gajjar