#23,426,879 (
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Title: Copper Sculptures, Inc.
Description: Sculpting copper and flame into period lighting fixtures consists of both art and history. Having perfected the craft, Copper Sculptures is able to offer the elegance of period lanterns with contemporary designs.
Keywords:gas light, gas lantern, copper light, copper lantern, gas lights, gas lanterns, copper lights, copper lanterns, custom lights, hand crafted, outdoor lighting, electric lights, electric, gas, old world lights, craftsman style lights, landscape lighting, indoor lighting, common area lighting, town center lighting, dark sky, open flame, lamp post, street lights, street lighting,
... (View More)
made in the USA, street signs, stop signs, mailboxes, mailbox, new Orleans style lights, copper gas light, copper gas lights, electronic ignition, vestal flame, gas light manufacturer, natural gas lights, propane lights, copper, copp, gas light fixture, gas light fixtures, bill shook, Bill Shook(View Less)