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Google search volume for "dysfunction"

Website results for "dysfunction"

 73 websites found

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#2,703,676 (+29%) -
Title: Bali Mojo - 100% Natural Herbal Sexual Enhancer
Description: Bali Mojo is a 100% Natural Herbal Sexual Enhancer - Erectile Dysfunction Cure & Premature Ejaculation Treatment
#1,366,828 (-39%) -
Title: Dysaffirmation of the Day ยป Because this kind of stupid takes work.
Description: Dysfunctional affirmations for people that are committed to their dysfunction.

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#16,635,133 (0%) -
Title: Save my sex
Description: Welcome to save my sex a place where you will learn the truth about great sex and its ability to make or break your relationships in so many ways. You will also learn the secrets that will make you drive your partner completely insane, in a great way of

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#209,268 (-1%) -
Title: Circumcision Information and Resource Pages
Description: CIRP is an Internet resource providing information about all aspects of the genital surgery known as circumcision: Medical considerations, risks, benefits and harm. Includes searchable reference library.
Keywords:AAP, abuse, AIDS, anaesthesia, anaesthetic, anatomical, anatomy, anesthesia, anesthetic, assault, atrophicus, babies, baby, baby boy, balanitis, balanitis xerotica obliterans, balanoposthitis, Benefits from Circumcision, Benefits of Circumcision, berit, Beschneidung, bioethics, biomedical, birth, bleeding,
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blood, bodily integrity, body modification, bondage, bonding, boy, breastfeeding, breastmilk, bris, brith, brit milah, BXO, cancer, capullo, carcinoma, cervical cancer, child, child abuse, child care, child sexual abuse, childbirth, children, children's rights, chlamidia, chlamydia, chordee, circoncision, circumcicion, circumcizia, circumcised, circumcision, circumcison, circumsicion, circumsision, circumsize, Circumstraint, circuncision, Clamp, clitorectomy, clitoridectomy, clitoris, commandment, complication, condom, cortisol, cortisone, cosmetic surgery, covenant, cricumcise, cricumcision, cricumcize, cricumsize, cut, desquamate, diaper, disease, disorder, doctor, dorsal penile, DPNB, dysfunction, dyspareunia, EMDR, EMLA, episiotomy, epispadias, epispadius, erectile, erectile disfunction, erectile dysfunction, erection, erogenous, erotogenic, ethics, evidence based, evidence-based medicine, family doctor, family practitioner, FGM, fibrosis, foreskin, forskin, fraenum, fraenulum, frenar, frenular, frenulum, frenum, general practitioner, genital, genitalia, glands, glans, Gomco, GP, health, health care, healthcare, histology, history, HIV, Hospital, HPV, human, Human Immunodeficiency Virus, human rights, hygiene, hypospadias, hypospadius, impotence, infant, infection, infibulate, infibulation, innervation, intact, integrity, intercourse, intersex, intersexual, irritation, ISNA, Jew, Jewish, Khatne, Khitan, KLamp, labia, labor, labour, lactation, lichen sclerosis, lichen sclerosus, lubriate, lubricate, lubrication, male, Margaret Somerville, Margaret Sommerville, Marilyn Milos, masochism, masturbate, masturbation, maternal, meatal, meatal stenosis, meatitis, meatotomy, meatus, medical, Medical Benefits from Circumcision, Medical Benefits of Circumcision, medical ethics, medicine, medicolegal, Meissner, men, men's health, men's rights, metzitzah, milah, Mitzvah, Mogen, mohalim, mohel, mohelim, Moslem, mother, motherhood, moyel, moyl, mucosa, mucous membrane, mulitate, mulitation, Muslim, mutilate, mutilation, mutilator, naming ceremony, nappy, neonatal, neonatal circumcision, neonate, nerve block, nerve ending, new baby, newborn, Nocirc, NoCirc, NOCIRC, NO-CIRC, NOHARMM, nonretractable, non-retractable, nonretractible, non-retractible, nonretractile, non-retractile, NORM, NRC, nurse, Nurses for the Rights of the Child, OB, Obgyn, Ob Gyn, obstetric, obstetrician, orgasm, Paediatric, paediatrician, pain, painful intercourse, papillomavirus, parenthood, parenting, Pediatric, pediatrician, penile cancer, penis, periah, Peyronie, Peyronie's disease, Pharaonic, phimosis, phimotic, phormosis, piercing, Plastibel, Plastibell, post-traumatic, posthectomy, posthetomy, posthitis, posttraumatic, practitioner, pregnancy, prepuce, preputial, preventive, problem, prophylactic, PTSD, rape, raphe, rash, redness, renal, retract, retractable, retractible, retractile, ring block, rite, ritual, routine, scar, scarification, scientific evidence, sex, sexual, sexual function, sexuality, scrotum, shaft, shock, SIDS, skin, smegma, smegmalith, sociology, sphincter, STD, STDs, steroid, stress, sudden infant death, Sunna, Sunnah, surgery, synechia, Tara Klamp, Tara KLamp, tight foreskin, tight forskin, tight prepuce, torture, trauma, traumatic, tribal, trichomonas, ultrasound, uncircumcised, uncircumcized, uncircumsized, uncut, unretractable, unretractible, urinary, urinary tract infection, urologist, urology, UTI, vaccination, vagina, vaginal, vaginitis, Van Howe, Vernon Quaintance, voorhuid, Vorhaut, vulva, vulvitis, vulvovaginitis, VBAC, Viagra, violence, virus, Wiswell(View Less)
#219,451 (+12%) -
Title: Dr Sandra Cabot's Liver Doctor - Love your Liver and Live Longer
Description: how to have a healthy liver, how to reverse liver disease and how to control weight through a healthy liver

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#465,634 (-24%) -
Title: Trigger Point Therapy Workbook; Your Self-Treatment Guide for Pain Relief
Description: Illustrated information about myofascial trigger points and referred pain in muscles and joints. You can self-treat your own pain without drugs and their dangerous side effects.
Keywords:abdominal pain, acupressure, acupuncture, acute pain, adhesive capsulitis, algesia, algesthesia, allergic rhinitis, allergy symptoms, alleviate pain, allodynia, alternative medicine, angina, ankle sprain, arthritis, auto accident, back pain, bellyache, biceps, bicipital tendinitis, bone spurs, Bonnie Prudden, buckling knee, burning pain, bursitis,
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buttocks pain, calf cramps, carpal tunnel syndrome, cephalgic pain, cervicogenic headache, chest pain, chiropractic medicine, chronic diarrhea, chronic cough, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, colic, colitis, costochondritis, cumulative trauma disorder, cure, deep stroking massage, deep tissue bodywork, deltoid, discoordination, dizziness, doctor error, do-it-yourself massage, drooping eyelid, dysesthesia, dysfunction, earache, ear itch, ear stuffiness, endometriosis, erase pain, eyelid twitching, eye pain, false diagnosis, fibromyalgia, finger pain, foot drop, frozen shoulder, gastric pain, gastrocnemius, genital pain, gluteal pain, gluteus maximus, gout, growing pains, hammertoe, headache, heart arrhythmia, heartburn, Heberden's nodes, heel pain, heel spurs, heterotopic pain, hip pain, home remedy, homotopic pain, hyperesthesia, hypersensitive nipple, impaired, impairment, indigestion, insomnia, intractable pain, irritable bowel syndrome, jaw pain, joint pain, joint popping, joint replacement surgery, joint stiffness, knee pain, knuckle pain, lacrosse ball massage, locked knee, low back pain, lumbago, managing pain, manual therapy, massage seminars, massage therapy, massage workshops, masseter, medical massage, menstrual pain, meralgia paresthetica, migraine, misdiagnosis, muscle illustration, muscle knot, muscle pain, muscle release technique, muscle weakness, muscular pain, myalgia, myocellalgia, myoclonus, myodynia, myofascial pain, myofascial release, myofascitis, myofibrosis, myogelosis, myopathy, myosalgia, myoskeletal alignment, myotenositis, myotherapy, natural healing, nausea, neck pain, nerve impingement, neuralgia, neuromuscular therapy, numbness in hands or feet, occupational therapy, osteoarthritis, osteopathic medicine, overuse syndrome, pain alleviation, pain cause, pain erasure, painful intercourse, pain free, painkiller, pain management, pain pattern, pain relief, pain reliever, pain remedy, pain surgery, pain therapy, paresthesia, pelvic pain, peripheral neuropathy, phantom limb pain, physical therapy, physician error, pinched nerve, piriformis syndrome, plantar fasciitis, pressure point, prostate pain, prostatitis, psoas, psychogenic pain, quadriceps, range of motion, rectal pain, referred pain, rehabilitation, relieve, repetitive motion injury, repetitive strain injury, restless legs, rheumatism, rolfing, rhomboid, rotator cuff injury, runner's knee, St. John Method, sacroiliac dislocation, scalene, sciatica, self-applied massage, self care instruction, self healing, self-help, self massage, sensitive teeth, shin splints, David Simons, sinus pain, sinus pressure, sleeplessness, sore feet, spinal adjustment, spinal manipulation, spinal stenosis, spinal surgery, sports injury, sports massage, sternocleidomastoid, stiff fingers, stiff neck, side stitch, stomachache, stretching, structural integration, stumbling, subluxation, swelling of hands or feet, swollen ankles, synalgia, temporal headache, temporomandibular joint pain, tendinitis, tender points, tennis ball massage, tennis elbow, tension headache, testes pain, testicle pain, therapeutic massage, thoracic outlet syndrome, tight hamstrings, tingling in hands or feet, TMJ, tongue pain, toothache, trapezius, Janet Travell, triceps, trick knee, triggerpoint, Trigger Point Manual, trigger point release, trigger points, trigger point therapy, trismus, unnecessary surgery, urinary incontinence, vaginismus, vertigo, vulvadynia, weak bladder, whiplash, wrist sprain, writer's cramp(View Less)

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#18,753,019 (-52%) -
Title: LifeCare Counseling Services: Carmel, Fishers, Indianapolis and Zionsville, Indiana - Interpersonal Training Institute
Description: Individual, marriage, and family counseling for Carmel, Fishers, Indianapolis, Noblesville, and Zionsville, Indiana treating anxiety, depression, marriage, Christian concerns, A.D.D., sex therapy, stress, addictions, and alcohol dependence.
Keywords:marriage counselors carmel indiana, marriage counselors fishers indiana, marriage counselors noblesville indiana, marriage counselors indianapolis indiana, marriage counselors zionsville indiana, marriage counselors kokomo indiana, Christian counselors carmel indiana, Christian counselors fishers indiana, Christian counselors noblesville indiana, Christian counselors indianapolis indiana, Christian counselors kokomo indiana, Christian counselors zionsville indiana, mental, health, mental health, ADD, ADHD, addiction, addictions, adolescent, adolescents, affair, affairs, affective, alcohol,
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#1,882,580 (-31%) -
Title: TaoStar - Products from Tao of Wellness, Traditions of Tao and Seven Star Communications
Description: Superior books, videos, herbs and teas by Master Hua-Ching Ni, 36th generation Traditional Chinese Medical Doctor. Immunity boosting, energy enhancing, detoxifying, strengthening and healing formulae of the Tao.
Keywords:Chinese philosophy, Traditions of Tao, tradition, Tao, tao, Taoism, dao, Daoism, herbs, herbology, Chinese, traditional Chinese medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, TCM, nature, China, natural, oriental, Oriental, oriental medicine, Oriental Medicine, Doctor of Oriental Medicine, L. Ac., Licensed Acupuncturist, prevention,
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preventive, preventative, balance, universe, cyclical, masters, Master Ni, Master Hua-Ching Ni, Master Hua Ching Ni, Ni family, pain management, nutrition, I Ching, Ni Hua-Ching, Ni Hua Ching, Ni, Maoshing Ni, Maoshing, Mao, Daoshing, Dao, immortal foods, Immortal foods, preventing disease, disease prevention, longevity, maintenance, high fiber, low fat, vitamins, minerals, nutrients, chi, qi, ki, Chi, Qi, Ki, life energy, energy, five elements, high performance, Five Elements, High Performance, no chemical additives, no additives, tablets, powders, elixirs, nutritionally, physicians, doctors, acupuncture, Physicians, Doctors, Acupuncturists, Licensed Acupuncturists, basic program, plants, active, yang, receptive, yin, energetics, fire, earth, metal, water, wood, abundant energy, perpetual shield, enduring youth, internal cleanse, Abundant Energy, Perpetual Shield, Enduring Youth, Internal Cleanse, Super Clarity, season, direction, color, stage, liver, gall bladder, toxic, toxins, chronic fatigue, cancer, asthma, allergies, autoimmune, cleansing, tea, organs, organ, contaminated, pesticide, pesticides, nourishes, Liver, Gall Bladder, calms, calming, nervous system, eyes, head, digestion, emotional, emotional instability, anger, frustration, depression, restless, sleep, irritability, headache, head ache, congestion, dizziness, dizzy, chest tightness, abdominal bloating, bloating, cramping, stiff limbs, blurry vision, vision, constipation, irregular, bowel, bowel movements, hypersensitivity, environmental toxins, nervous indigestion, indigestion, nervous, poor digestion, chrysanthemum flower, ju hua, mulberry, sang ye, mint, cassia tora, jue ming zi, cough, sore throat, infections, cool, soothe, red, blood pressure, dandelion, internally, externally, poultice, snake bites, bee stings, shan zha, Crataegi, cholesterol, arteries, clogged arteries, cocklebur, Xanthi, nasal passages, nasal, itchiness, skin rashes, rashes, licorice, spasms, creative, alert, tolerant, patient, supple, suppleness, body and mind, body, mind, stress, Infinite Clarity, Super infinite clarity, super clarity, fire element, Fire Element, Five Element Theory, five element theory, heart, small intestine, spirit, circulatory, circulatory system, integration, memory, confused, robust, stamina, shen, Shen, cardiovascular, cardiovascular function, exercise, mental strain, strain, emotional stress, malnourishment, confusion, concentration, hysteria, anxiety, insomnia, dream, low blood pressure, palpitations, circulation, varicose veins, varicose, veins, sadness, fear, goals, articulate, communication, awareness, foxglove, Rehmanniae, angelica, dang gui, lycium berry, gou qi zi, asparagus, tian men dong, kidney, suan zao, jujube, Siberian ginseng, gensing, abstract, motor coordination, anti-oxidant, antioxidant, antifatigue, anti-fatigue, hu tao ren, intelligence, metabolism, vitality, plantain, urination, stomach, spleen, pancreas, genetic, nourishment, genes, digestive, eating, chemicals, mucus, mucous, appetite, absorption, assimilation, cravings, abdominal, flatulence, weight gain, weight loss, fat, muscle tone, muscle mass, overthinking, over-thinking, solomon's seal, solomons seal, Solomon's Seal, Solomons Seal, hyperactivity, stools, loose stools, tangerine, lung, Lung, large intestine, Large Intestine, metal element, Metal Element, immune, immune system, Immune System, degenerative, aging, age, health, well-being, well being, positive, mood swings, defensive, tai chi, T'ai Ch'i, t'ai ch'i, chi gong, Chi Gong, Tai Chi Chuan, meditation, cold, flu, colds and flu, cold and flu, sweat, cold sweat, sinus, shortness of breath, grief, melancholy, withdrawn, weak, weakness, fo ti, antibacterial, anti-bacterial, debility, Ligustri, nu zhen zi, Eclipta, han lian cao, potent, yin tonics, vulnerable, power, resiliency, resilience, voice, breathing, breathe, breath, white blood cell, chronic respiratory infections, sesame, hei zhi ma, illness, dodder, Eucommia, du Zhong, yang tonics, respiratory, Cherokee rose, energies, vitamin c, Vitamin C, vitamin C, Siegesbeckia, ox knee, acyranthis, arthritis, muscles, bones, arthritic, dysfunction, mori albae, honeysuckle, ramus Lonicerae, urinary, urinary bladd4r, bladder, kidneys, hormonal, hormone, reproductive, skeletal, skeleton, reproduction, maturation, over-work, over-indulgence, overindulgence, weakening, abundance, healthy life style, will power, sex, sex drive, adrenal, eyesight, sexual performance, performance, lethargy, fatigue, complacency, fearfulness, infertility, back pain, knee pain, sugar cravings, sugar, premature graying, hair loss, graying, prostate, hearing loss, ringing in the ears, Sheng di, shan yao, dioscoreae, china root, poria cocus, Asian cornelian, cornelian, fruit, tonifying, kidney tonic, formulas, formulae, formula, Schisandra, wu wei zi, incontinence, Cistanches, Dipsaci, xu duan, anise, warm, tendons, aches, chu shi, sweet flag, rhizome, Chinese Senega, root, seeds, grains, complex carbohydrates, stimulants, ginseng, chi tonics, agitation, blood, dioscorea, Chinese yam, yam, gui yuan, logan, tonify chi, lotus seed, qian shi, coicus seed, pearl barley, barley, job's tears, rice, glutinous rice, lose weight, obesity, calories, vegetables, beans, heart attack, colon cancer, regenerating cream, Regenerating Cream, cells, bone marrow, marrow, nut grass, sesame oil, estrogen, moisture, skin, gan sung, Typhonium, poria, fu ling, siler, Ledebouriellae, costus, saussureae, pores, environmental, distilled, vitamin e, Vitamin E, vitamin E, tonic oil, Tonic Oil, first aid, first-aid, pains, gums, hair, nails, stiff neck, burns, mouthwash, gargle, camphor, menthol, eucalyptus, wintergreen, spices, baking soda, shampoo, massage, massage oil, feet, sore feet, tired feet, soak, skin purification, frosties, Frosties, frosties crystals, Frosties Crystals, gateway, clear hat, fluids, mentholated, tablet, smoker's breath, smoker, smoking, heart burn, heartburn, singers, speakers, figwort, balloon flower, forsythia, anti-microbial, staph, streptococcus, Ophiopogonus, cucumber, phlegm, antibiotic, staphylococcus, diabetes, excess hunger, thirst, plum, silica, honey, antiseptic, anesthetic, four seasons, Four Seasons, hermits, waxing, waning, circadian, chemical, alter moods, kidney failure, rhythms, imbalances, spring, Spring Tea, the Four Gentlemen, The Four Gentlemen, Taoist herbology, Shan Yao, clove, cang zhu, aromatic, damp, Tritici, papaya, cang er zi, bai zhu, sluggishness, heavy head, grogginess, groggy, poor appetite, abdominal distension, gas, sluggish, concentrating, summer tea, Summer Tea, vital energy, over-consumption, over consumption, lotus, bamboo, Caltrop, Mentha, Chrysanthemum, Perilla, leaf, Huo Xiang, fluid intake, hot, heat, feverish, fever, temperature, autumn tea, Autumn Tea, Autumn tea, bronchial, Lily, bulb, antihistamine, anti-histamine, Arbor Vitae, mai men dong, loquat, armeniace, oyster, Sophora, Curculiginis, transition, nasal congestion, dry nose, dry throat, dry stool, chest congestion, Winter Tea, winter tea, Winter tea, Evodiae, Galangeal, Thai ginger, Fo Ti, Dodder, Bu GU, bu gu, raspberry, astringent, sweet rice, warming herbs, discomfort, chills, abdominal cramping, stomach cramping, pain, soreness, Ancient Treasures Tea, Ancient Treasures tea, ancient treasures tea, Jing, jing, Creative Balance, creative balance, Feminine Balance, feminine balance, female problems, female reproductive system, PMS, dry skin, bruises, blood stagnation, Internal Cleanse tea, Internal Cleanse Tea, internal cleanse tea, microcosmic, molecular chemistry, macrocosmic, disease, imbalance, blockage, stagnate, stagnation, throat constriction, restlessness, restless sleep, life style, diet, life-style, impatience, emotional balance, emotional tranquility, Emotional Tranquility Tea, emotional tranquility tea, Emotional Tranquility tea, emotions, worry, ulcers, alcoholism, alcohol, drug addiction, addiction, anorexia, bulimia, hope, faith, confidence, will to live, Dao-In, Dao-in, dao-in, relaxation exercises, bio-feedback, bio feedback, homeostasis, positive attitude, Dragon bone, Os Draconis, Curcuma, Yu Jin, red face, Yin receptive, Yin-receptive, Yang active, yang-active, Exquisite Skin, beauty, impurities, sores, healing, promote healing, peony, Peony, Spring Rain, spring rain, herbal shampoo, body wash, follicles, Aloe Vera, aloe vera, scalp, honey locust, locust, apricot, peach, kernel, tao ren, xing ren, capillary, blemishes, lubrication, Dictamni, bark, bai xian pi, detoxification, inflammation, patchouli, huo Xiang, hair growth, elixir, passages, Passages, Passages Elixir, passages elixir, wild yam, Dang Gui, stimulate hormone production, sexual vitality, epimedi, Rehmannia, immortal, grass, soy bean, soy beans, concha, Zizyphus, Anemarrhena, gardenia, thermostat, Alisma, white peony root, white peony, mucus membranes, mucous membranes, blood vessel elasticity, elasticity, menopause, breast, peri-menopause, post menopause, post-menopause, perimenopause, osteoporosit, heart disease, wrinkles, wrinkled skin, thinning hair, thin hair, uterus, ovaries, ovary, hormone replacement, Super Clarity Elixir, super clarity elixir, SuperClarity Elixir, SuperClarity, ginko biloba, Ginko Biloba, dementia, dementias, alzheimers, tinnitus, vertigo, senility, pine needles, bioflavonoid, biota, relieve anxiety, cofnitive functions, study aid, athletes, bone density, calm-fort elixir, Calm-Fort Elixir, CalmFort Sleeping elixir, Calmfort/Sleeping elixir, Calmfort, an ning, An Ning, oyster shell, chamomile, flower, shell, Dura-Bone Elixir, jian gu, Durabone elixir, Durabone Elixir, fracture, fractures, skeletal system, weight lifting, martial artists, calcium, testosterone, Dowanger's hump, Dowangers Hump, dowanger's hump, vertebrae, cervical vertebrae, SevenStar Communications, Seven Star, SevenStar, Allergy Tamer Elixir, Allergy Elixir, allergy elixir, allergy tamer clisir, ear, ear congestion, wheezing, wheeze, itching, watery eyes, pregnant, breast feeding, breastfeeding, cold and flu elixir, Cold and Flu Elixir, Cold and Flu Formula, Prostate Elixir, Healthy Prostate Elixir, Healthy Prostate Formula, prostate elixir, healthy prostate elixir, healthy prostate formula, headache and migraine elixir, Headache and Migraine Elixir, migraine, acute headache, chronic headache, frequent urination, weak urination, Healthy Joint and Arthritis Formula, Healthy Joint and Arthritis Elixir, healthy joint and arthritis formula, healthy joint and arthritis elixir, mood, Dura Bone Elixir, dura bone elixir, durabone elixir, dura-bone elixir, DuraBone elixir, B-Slim, b-slim, Bslim, Be Slim, be slim, b slim, fat metabolism, blood sugar, folic acid, Cratagus, Dr. Mao, Dr. Dao, pregnancy, medicinal herbs, weight, weight management, fiber, Superior Herbs for Superior Health, superior herbs, 13315 Washington Boulevard, 13315 W. Washington Boulevard, 13315 Washington Blvd., 13315 Washington Bl.,,, herbal supplement, herbal supplements, traditional Chinese herbs, traditional Chinese herbal supplements, TOT, T.O.T., teas, herbs and tea, herbs and teas(View Less)