Description: Being the first flash memory based flashcart, supercard wins the support of vast number of customers by SC teams innovative design and Supercards simple but useful functions for 4 years.
Description: The Official R4i Homepage,The R4i Cartridge is the current top-of-the-line in DS SLOT-1 flash carts,The R4i is a revolutionary storage, homebrew and media player flash cart compatible with all DS Lite and original DS consoles;Directly Drags and drops all
Title: R4DS, DSTT Reviews, Download, Firmware, Kernel and Software Update for NDS and NDSL
Description: The R4DS Cartridge is the current top-of-the-line in DS SLOT-1 flash carts. It is just an amazing little device like original DS cart size, it is a complete solution with no need to purchase any additional components or deal with any messy software and t
Description: es la nueva comunidad de ESPALTeam dedicada exclusivamente a informarte sobre todo lo que rodea a Nintendo 3DS, la primera portátil en 3 Dimensiones sin gafas.