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Google search volume for "hspr"

Website results for "hspr"

 3 websites found

#11,825,806 (-54%) -
Title: Henrob Self Piercing Rivets (HSPR)
Description: Henrob Self Pierce Riveting (HSPR) is a cold joining riveting process used to fasten two or more sheets of material by driving rivets through the top sheet(s) and upsetting the rivet under the influence of a die into the lower sheet without piercing it
#2,799,920 (+3%) -
Title: Gneuss Kunststofftechnik GmbH
Description: Hersteller, Produzent und Entwickler von Filtriersystemen, Siebwechsler, Schmelzefilter, Drucksensoren, Temperatursensoren für die Kunststoffverarbeitung und die Kunststoffextrusion.