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Google search volume for "ipfc"

Website results for "ipfc"

 5 websites found

#6,943,046 (-28%) -
Title: India-Pakistan Friendship Club (IPFC) - Home
Description: India-Pakistan Friendship Club (IPFC) is a community that is working to bridge the gap between Indians and Pakistanis, so that there is peace between these two countries.
#16,134,085 (0%) -
Title: Control Your Energy BIll
Description: #1 Distributor of the CELEC Brand Smart Energy Saving Devices in the U.S.A.
#5,440,236 (+53%) -
Title: Celec Smart Energy Saving Device - Intelligent Power Saver Distributor in the U.S.A. State-the-Art Technology for Energy Savings
Description: #1 Distributor of the CELEC Brand Smart Energy Saving Devices in the U.S.A.
#7,685,333 (-66%) -
Title: A2M Bureau d'architecture // construction passive // News
Description: L'agence d'architectes A2M s'est fixé pour objectif de défendre une architecture contemporaine de qualité à haute valeur environnementale. Depuis 2007, TOUS les projets du bureau sont 'passifs' ou 'zéro-énergie', en neuf comme en rénovation.