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Google search volume for "javame"

Website results for "javame"

 12 websites found

#67,590 (+113%) -
Title: Asociaci�n javaHispano
#127,079 (+13%) -
Title: ACCESS | Advanced Software Solutions for Mobile and Beyond PC | NetFront Browser | ACCESS Linux Platform
Description: ACCESS is a global provider of advanced software technologies and solutions to the mobile and beyond-PC markets.

Not available.
#888,301 (-38%) -
Title: HandyGames™ - Games and Apps on iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, Android, Blackberry, JavaME.
Description: HandyGames™ is one of the leading European publishers and developers of mobile games for iPhone, iPod touch, Android, Blackberry, Java2ME and mobile internet.
#4,008,082 (+2%) -
Title: bitforge
Description: Wir bieten Ihnen individuelle und einzigartige Produkte, massgeschneidert nach Ihren Wünschen und Vorstellungen. Unser Kerngeschäft liegt in der Entwicklung von Mobile Applications und Spiele für diverse Plattformen sowie Consulting.
#6,273,310 (-31%) -
Title: PSPKVM - The Best Java ME Emulator on PSP!
Description: A PSP porting of SUN's phoneMEFeature project, to enable MIDP/JavaME applications running on PSP.
#4,663,965 (-37%) -
Title: 开发者的天空 - Powered by Discuz!
Description: 程序开发者的一片天空 ,开发者的天空
#4,810,354 (+266%) -
Title: Java игры, полифония и приложения. Бесплатные Java игры для Nokia, Siemens, Samsung, S
Description: скачать бесплатные java игры для телефонов Nokia, Siemens, Samsung, midlet, java downloads, java, games, MIDlet, j2me, J2ME, MIDP, OTA download, over-the-air, Java, J2ME, Motorola, free java games, javaME, free Midlets, m

Not available.
#8,641,461 (-62%) -
Title: GruzSoft® WAP | MOBILE
Description: Полезности для владельцев мобильных телефонов НОКИЯ. GruzSoft® WAP | MOBILE. Полифонические мелодии, миди, мп3, амр, ваф, видео файлы, темы оформлений
#7,005,309 (-35%) -
Description: JAVAMEBEL. Portal pemasaran untuk para pengrajin di Jepara.