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Description: An Alliance guild on the US-Barthilas Oceanic Server. We are a progression guild based mostly in Australia and raid 7:30-11:30 AEST +10 GMT Wed, Thu, Sun, Mon. Our website has screenshots, youtube videos and forums. If you are interested in joining fill
Title: Firearms - Shotguns - Rifles - Handguns - Ammunition - Remington Guns - Home of America's Oldest Gunmaker
Description: Remington produces hunting rifles, shotgun models, handguns and ammunition and has led the sporting arms industry with innovation after innovation. No other firearms and ammunition manufacturer combines so much tradition with innovative new products.
Title: Best Fittings - Airgun charging equipment - Air Gun Accessories for PreCharged Air rifles, pistols and paintball markers.
Description: BEST Fittings is a well established company specialising in the supply of airgun charging equipment, fill probes and other accessories for air rifles,
Description: Archer Airguns sells and services Chinese air guns and rifles including the QB78 and QB79. We offer parts, pellets, pellet traps, scopes, sights, accessories, technical manuals, and services such as gun firing and testing. We also provide parts for the A