Title: Western Reserve Controls Versatile I/O Solutions
Description: Western Reserve Controls, WRC, is a manufacturer of proprietary SmartMux and optoisolated I/O and solid-state relay products, as well as branded DeviceNet, Analog, Discrete and Digital I/O. Supplying Ethernet-IP products and providing Outsource Design,
Keywords:devicenet products, design, Modbus, connectors, controllers, ODVA, Open DeviceNet Vendors Association, ASCII, rs232, RS485, fiber-optic, communications, motor control, pc interfaces, plc scanners, actuators, barcode, bridges, gateways, cables, displays operator interface, sensors, digital, discrete i/o, PLC i/o,
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analog modules, embedded computer, industrial control computer, programmable logic controller, controller area network, CAN chip, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, HMI, SCADA, I/O, Ethernet-ip, solid state relay, 7b, 5b, analog signal conditioning, outsource, contract assembly, pcb assembly, electronic control design, design services, remote i/o, RIO, Blue hose, can repeater, bus extender, opto isolator, hub zone, solid state relays, i/o modules, optomux, CAN Bus, SmartMux, devicenet tutorial, counting modules, high-speed count, m12, taps, AC1361(View Less)