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Google search volume for "ubicom"

Website results for "ubicom"

 7 websites found

#595,361 (-55%) -
Title: XGameStation - XGameStation,XGS,XGS AVR 8-Bit,XGS AVR 16-Bit,MACH64 Programmable Logic Starter Kit, Micro Edition,Pico Edition
Description: The XGameStation is the world's first build-it-yourself video game console kit. Includes assembled unit, eBook on the system's design and construction, software IDE and tools for the power to create your own video game console and games.
#423,606 (-14%) -
Title: Information Architecture Consulting by Peter Morville
Description: Semantic Studios is an information architecture and user experience consulting firm led by best-selling author and industry expert Peter Morville.
#1,321,730 (+15%) -
Title: - by Peter Morville
Description: Peter Morville's blog about information architecture, user experience, search, and findability.

Not available.
#3,931,955 (-10%) -
Title: Koji Yatani, Ph.D. - Microsoft Research Asia
Description: Not available
#11,354,970 (0%) -
Title: CollabTech 2017
Description: IPSJ The Ninth International Conference on Collaboration Technologies
#8,018 (-9%) -
Title: 國立臺灣大學 資訊工程學系
Description: 台灣大學資訊工程學系在全台灣資訊界位居翹楚,擁有優良的師資、完善的設備以及優秀的學生。以創新領導、專業知識、國際視野 、社會關懷、終身學習作為本系的教育目標。