Title: St Vincent Yellow Pages | Business & Resident Local Search - Stvincentyp.com
Description: St Vincent and Grenadines Yellow Pages-Search stvincentyp.com, St Vincent and Grenadines telephone directory of phone numbers & addresses of St Vincent and Grenadines government, St Vincent and Grenadines business, Vincentian people on island
Title: We are Vincentians! ยป A website for all the Vincentian Family, the followers of St. Vincent de Paul
Description: Information and formation about Saint Vincent de Paul, Saint Louise de Marillac, their followers and the Vincentian works throughout the world
Title: Congregation of the Mission Western Province
Description: Midwest Province of the Congregation of the Mission, known as the Vincentians after our founder St. Vincent dePaul. Our mission is to follow Jesus Christ, evangelizing the poor.
Title: Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, Vancouver Island - Victoria BC
Description: The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a Catholic organization of lay people. Vincentians have, historically, made the gift of their services selflessly, attempting by action to serve the needs of the poor, the needy and the handicapped