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Google search volume for "web-app"

Website results for "web-app"

 46 websites found

#1,098,930 (-11%) -
Description: Creating content for the iPad
#1,405,185 (-41%) -
Title: OnStage - Project Management, Team Collaboration, File Sharing, and Task Software
Description: OnStage is an online workspace, collaboration, and project management tool. It is a simple tool for complex ends.

Not available.
#1,179,171 (+18%) -
Title: Dashboard | Portal | Startup Page | Web 2.0| Jquery Portal |Javascript Portal |Jquery Widget |Jquery Plugin
Description: One-stop solution to all your professional and personal needs, choose widgets that you require, customize them according to your needs , publish them to websites, blogs, social media and tap unlimited possibilities. It helps user with no prior software k
#21,602,732 (0%) -
Title: App im Net-Platform unabhängige Apps für Ihr Unternehmen
Description: App im Net - Mit Geschmack und neueste Technologie, wir entwickeln Web-App die genau auf Ihre Bedürfnisse zugescnitten sind.
#2,033,399 (-14%) -
Title: Der App Baukasten für die Web App, iPhone-App und Android-App für ihr Unternehmen - im Handumdrehen zur mobile App! � mobileB
Description: Erstellen Sie eine Web-App oder iPhone und Android App mit QR-Code in wenigen Minuten für Ihr Unternehmen. Mit Generator für mobile Coupons und Zugriffsstatistik. Jetzt 30 Tage kostenlos und unverbindlich testen!
#28,850,611 (0%) -
Title: Work in progress
Description: This site is under construction. But will host my Weblications (Web based applications) once it is done
Title: SocioTransit
Description: SocioTransit is a social networking service that matches people seeking traveller/ transporter to carry/ buy/ pick-up & drop any kind of goods from one place to another. Travellers who are carrying/ transporting goods will get money when service goes ful

Not available.
#0 (0%) -
Title: Tartocom - Agence en communication digitale à Coutras - Gironde
Description: Tartocom est une agence créative spécialisée en communication digitale, nous accompagnons les entreprises dans leur projet de création de site internet responsive de la conception à la réalisation...
#0 (0%) -
Title: Azsa Tech - Home
Description: Our mission at AZSATECH we have confidence it is viable to try to get out of all the now not possible insides. We are a troubleshooting crew with innovative thinkers committed to pushing the boundaries viable with the aid of helping manufacturers attain